Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The bungalow dissapears

Over the rest of the week the bungalow slowly disspeared with a daily trip after school to inspect the process.

All gone

Monday, January 30, 2012

Demolition begins and we nearly missed it

Monday morning and the demolition team arrive, richard and I were both out all day but did not expect to see any difference in one day. Jack texted us on his way home to congratulate us on removing the roof.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

A building site is born

After the digger had cleared the top soil we were able to put down the root protection web and receive 10 tonnes of gravel at 8 o'clock in the morning. oh joy.

Richard, Robert and I spent a fun packed morning spreading gravel and putting up tree protection fencing. Emma played her part bringing round drinks and biscuits and taking photos.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Breaking Through

We had planned to hire a mini digger to do some site preparation. But the structural engineer wanted a 10 foot deep hole behind the bungalow to check the soil condiotion. So once we were paying to have a proper digger on site it made sense to get more done.

A big day but by the end we had a gate, the start of a drive and a very large mound of soil.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Trees down

We may have failed in getting permission to take the Ash tree down but we did have the go ahead for the Willow and Silver birch at the bottom of the garden. We called round in the afternoon to take photos and when I called back about 45 minutes later Rob had arrived cut them both down and gone again, not a big job.

The Siver Birch was a lovely tree but apparenlt rotten at teh bottom, so we will need to plant a good replacement.