Friday, March 23, 2012

Grinding out the stump

Rob worked with a remote control moon buggy vehicle grinding out the stump. It was huge  and took several hours and created another pile of saw dust. 

Richard worked really hard splitting and moving logs until we were left with a few large rounds and snails. We put in a dray brick wall and some soil before planting up a replacement holly hedge.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The ash tree comes down

Having caused so much aggravation the day finally arrived for it to come down.  One man spent a couple of hours swinging round in the top of the tree dropping branches one at the time, a truly skilled job.

All the smaller branches went int a shredder so our whole garden now has a good covering of top quality ash chippings.

For the final drop the landrover took a line down the plot while Richard, Anne, Grandad, the neighbours and I stood by nervously. No problems.
Just a small pile to deal with now.