Tuesday, April 12, 2011

To build or not to build ?

Should we or shouldn't we what a dilemma. Lots of debate worrying about the money, the amount of work and stress and family upheaval. Surprisingly the main supporters were Helen and Robert who reminded us we had always wanted to build our own house and we would never find such a good plot within walking distance of town. Emma was not so keen, feeling guilty about leaving number 57.

So we put in an offer on the basis of a self build or develop but it was immediately rejected. Then worse on Monday morning we were told there was someone else bidding and we would have to do best and final sealed bids by midday on Tuesday. 

Tuesday just after the deadline waiting for the estate agents will stay in my memory for a long time. We had got it, what a weird feeling, Richard went straight upstairs to phone his parents. I was acutely aware of the loss, but phoned Ian and tried to speak to Duncan before walking round to the bungalow to have a quick panic, certainly not the last of those.

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